September 16th, 2022
Living life on the run isn't as exotic as you might think. I haven't showered in a week, I just ate our last Ramen, and Trix has night terrors, so I barely get any sleep.

All the while, what a time it is to be alive, Mfers.

Nothing can stop the inevitable, just like the dollars sitting in your savings account eventually going to zero. 

Mfers will prosper.
My weapons against "the man" are simple. Give me a laptop with an internet connection, and watch me cook.

We can't rebuild Yew Nork on shaky ground, so I've been deep in the trenches, grinding away at the foundation for our future.

While escaping from the institutions trying to silence us, I spent weeks living in my head locked away in my hot-boxed shipping crates.

Amidst the thick clouds, everything started to become clear.
Our theories were proven true when we resurfaced from our escape and witnessed what had transpired.

Without any direction, Mfers stepped up and continued to carry forward the inflationary tale without us.

You see, we're a collective of brilliance disguised in fuckery.

Imagine if we cultivated that drive, fostered that motivation, rewarded the expertise, and built the tools to empower Mfers to mutually benefit themselves and the greater good of Yew Nork?
One of the first expansions of this cultivation of Mfers is opening up the inner-workings of the complex system my team of nerds built.

Unfortunately, since my old squad is in prison for treason, I had to learn how to code instead of just shouting at them what I wanted.

The result is the release of a brand new API for other nerdy Mfers to build upon and create value for all of us.

For those who are less geeky, it's a way for anyone to construct apps on top of our ecosystem, create unique user experiences, integrate with other Cardano partners, and much more.
I'll lay down some examples to get your mind juiced up on what can be.

Have you ever wanted...?

• A chrome extension so you can see a Mfer's bag while browsing Twitter
• A custom wallet viewer to see your Old Money bag in whatever way fits your fancy
• An alert system for when an NFT with a certain attribute or price threshold goes on sale
• A way to feed our ecosystem's data into your app's backend
• A simple game like "Mfer War" where it randomly picks NFTs from your bag in a "War style" card game where the higher ranking NFT wins
• A method to validate that a person or wallet is an official Mfer and give them access to things outside of Old Money based on their roles
• A head-to-head viewer of two Mfers' bags
• A poker night winnings tracker and rating system
• A trader proposal system where you pick the assets from your bag and another Mfer's bag and send them a visual trade request
• An easy manner of figuring out any wash trading happening in Yew Nork to keep Mfers honest
• A complete catalog of all Old Money images/assets including NFTs with preformatted sizes for Twitter PFPs, Banners, and Posts
• A welcome bot on Twitter for new Mfers that come to Yew Nork
• A summary of biggest gainers/losers of the Mfer Rankings each epoch
• A better way to view all the winners from all of our Fuckerland giveaways
• A technique to calculate complex Old Money metrics without ever having to scrape the blockchain or integrate with other apps
• A methodology to collect and measure change over time with anything in our ecosystem
• A website to view all Dilly's auctions, lots, bids, and winners
• A place to browse the depths of the Salt Sewers outside of Discord

Okay, that's what I came up with in 15 minutes; I'm sure the ideas you Mfers can come up with will blow us away.

As the new features of Old Money are published, so is the documentation to build as you may.
That means you need to buddy up with a nerdy Mfer today so you can leave your imprint on our inflationary tale (or at least profit from their creations).

Let's not beat around the bush Mfers, cold hard ADA is an excellent incentive to build in Yew Nork.

That's why we're creating a new fund to allow Mfers to make proposals for what they want to build, the community votes on it, and Trixson and I cut the check when the Mfers deem it complete.

We will seed the fund from our own sack for now and create drivers to keep it filled and growing in the future.

Mfers are even more empowered to showcase their collective talents for everyone to see. What a beautiful thing.
The first release of the new API will prove that it's ready for the big time.

Next week, everything that drives our feedback and suggestion system, the House of Mfers will move over to the new system.
Remember, the House of Mfers is the go-to place to drop any feedback you have instead of losing it in the depths of our DMs. We constantly look for and evaluate anything updated.

Be sure to shill the best suggestions in Discord to collect upvotes from Mfers.

We're investing more time into expanding it to have Cabinet approvals, sorting by votes based on Mfer Rankings, seeing what we have recently completed, and more. We will continue to prove that we listen and execute what the collective of Mfers wants.
The next iteration after we know we're ready is revamping our foundation that's core to everything else.

By enhancing the concepts of policies, NFTs, members, and wallets we unlock a bunch of requested features like:

• Full NFT explorer at Xesserson House and Discord Bot
• Secondary market data integrated with all NFTs
• Access to all assets like thumbnails and PFPs for every NFT 
• Multiple synced wallets per Mfer
• Modern DApp sign-up/in on the website
• No Discord/Twitter Requirements for anything
Beyond that we expand our "roles" to be outside of just Discord, branching into your Mfer Profile and beyond.

Of course, the new roles can tie to Discord just like today so you can still have your color, go into hidden channels, run Billitary bot commands, and get the usual unlockables.

It can now also be used to unlock new website pages or actions, access entire features, parts of the API, and more.

The roles are automatically calculated based on the new dynamic engine that's flexible enough to handle any quirky combination of NFT holdings we can come up with.

One of every color Bill, at least 5 Hoodro Campaign Materials, one of every Trixson variation of Promises, a Joker $0.2 Bill, one or more NFTs that have been in Dilly's auctions, etc.
The infamous new Mfer Ranking algorithm comes up next where we have a dynamic and complex yet simplistic way to convey every Mfer's Ranking.

Your Mfer Ranking is based on 4 categories, your Old Money bag, roles, community engagement, and achievements, each weighted differently in the calculation.

When it comes to analyzing your Old Money bag, the new algorithm has weights for each policy/nft/asset that are conveyed in a transparent way. Also, each Old Money NFT can have events in its history that cause subtle positive or negative changes to its ranking.

Your roles have the ability to grant an extra boost when it comes to your Mfer Ranking so extra collections (like one of every Bill) can come with more incentives. All perks with each role will be clearly defined and for all to see on our website so there's no confusion.

Engagement in the community and your personal achievements also factor into the calculation of your Mfer Ranking so the whales can't have all the fun. We're also introducing a decaying effect so just because you unlock an achievement doesn't mean the boost last forever.

We have a ton of ammo in the clip past these core features that drive the rest of our ecosystem. Just wait until you take a look at all the rest of the concepts we will create to drive additional value to Mfers around the globe.
After we have this foundation in place that I've been slaving over then we can get back into a new feature-per-week mode. Of course, I want some more, "build it in a single day" challenges to keep my technical wit at an all-time high.

Slowing down to speed up is critical for us to push into the upper echelons.

While writing the first chapter of our inflationary tale, we left a trail of destruction behind.

Spaghetti code, loosely defined structures, bleeding business expenses, crying white-names, laundry lists of legal obligations, collections of mental breakdowns, and piles of missed opportunities.

These lessons will be reflected in the future pages of our journey.

I hope you know we're not here creating a revolving wheel of fuckery.

We're conceptualizing new ways to scale and operate as a collective in the brand-new crypto-driven world.

As we reflect, our focus is not on what we should do for the rest of the year, or what the landscape looks like 12 months from today, but on where we are heading in the coming years.

Don't worry Mfers; we will grow without losing our magic touch of fuckery laden shenanigans that mask all of the actual value creation to the outsiders.
Part of the second chapter is expanding our grubby little paws into every crack of Cardano so you can't help but know about our inflationary tale.

Unfortunately, #gen-pop, our Discord intake channel and random discussion platform, has become a cesspool lately.

I would ask for you Mfers to be more polite but I know I'm wasting my breath. Instead, we will create incentives for you to funnel the newbies, whom we so kindly refer to as white-names, through the proper intake mechanisms and get rewarded for it.

Along with managing the random lurkers in Discord, our website will be completely revamped to expose all of what we have built.

Every single building is getting a heavy update and we're stripping back some of the complexity to be more presentable to the masses. We're going to simplify by expanding Yew Nork into smaller, more consumable parts.
Our entire team (pretty much Trixson & Dilly) and I have organized quite a spectacle for anyone that's courageous enough to come to meet us Mfers in person.

On October 8th & 9th for CNFTCon in the Las Vegas Convention Center, we will have a one-of-a-kind exhibit that is a critique of our world.

Not only will you get to see all the other goobers like us and their displays there but you can probably collect free Cardano NFT t-shirts and trinkets to give to suckers for Christmas.
Perhaps more importantly, we've rented out a rooftop with an open bar for Mfers only.

The Gold Standard is back by popular demand on October 9th.

RSVP here if you're actually coming for sure.

I seriously cannot express how grateful I am to be able to meet my family of Mfers that have been on this journey with me.
After we get through CNFTCon (if we make it through Vegas that is), we have to get our Old Money financials in order. Being fugitives has really taken a toll on our bag and thanks to inflation on the dollar there is probably more pain to come.

Royalties are one way to tap into more ADA in order to fund Mfers to build in our ecosystem, pay for monthly bills, help us scale in all directions, hire outside expertise, and stay focused on our long-term goals.

We instituted a no royalties policy at Old Money when we started in order to keep as much ADA in the pockets of Mfers like us. Doing back-of-the-napkin math (with 5% royalties), with 2.8M on $0.2 Bills, 675K on Campaign Materials, 1M on TITs, and 175K on FUCKs and BOBs, we have given back 230,000 ADA to the community (and flippers?).

Would love to hear a productive talk on changing this policy in our Discord if you're up for it Mfers.

One expense that we have coming up that's really important is our all-star-crypto legal team. These Mfers are the real deal. I feel empowered to create freely with our legal asses covered.

We're exploring two different areas of expertise. One is $MFER token of course and the other is the formation of a business entity for Old Money.

Our securities expert is perfectly in tune with the crypto world and she even has operatives on the inside. We're not only going to use the opportunity to refine $MFER into driving our balanced economy but use it as a platform to teach Mfers about what is actually going on around us. It will increase everyone's awareness and ability to spot a Ponzi when they see it.

Another Mfer on our all-star-crypto legal team is a DAO expert. Not only is this Mfer also equipped with lots of experience in tokenomics but he is over here setting up a DAO per week. Even though it's a cake for him, we as a collective will understand the driving forces of what value it brings. If it's the right choice then cultivating the governance, legal, auditing, and financial responsibilities will be part of future chapters in the tale.
After CNFTCon, all the Mfers with FOMO can get their hands on our Mugs, printed TITs, sticker packs, and custom handmade "lamps". We have everyone covered with the opening of our online store, another value driver for us to scale. Starting with our "lamps" as a proof of concept, we can finally get all sorts of Old Money merch into Mfers' hands.
When it comes to minting our future NFTs, we're of course looking to push the boundaries and modernize our approach. We have two drops that are for Mfers only with Twins and Coins that we can test the waters on new techniques. I'll be doing more 30-minute Smoke Breaks in Discord during random hours to get more perspective on what Mfers want to see in the perfect minting engine, among other things.
If you haven't noticed our $0.2 Bill floor tanking for the first time in a year then surprise. There have been Mfers wishing for a chance to get their hands on them at these levels for a minute now.

Have you seen anything go up forever without a retracement Mfers? Also, how was our God supposed to pay for his Lambo lease?

Liquidity comes in all flavors but I'm loving this sale. More conviction from those deep in Yew Nork while our doors opened wider for new entrants in the fuckery. Don't let the floor drop too much otherwise I'm personally buying them back. I treat the $0.2 Bills as the best way to hold equity in Old Money. I'm always down to gamble and flipping $0.2 Bills isn't really a gamble for me when I have ultimate confidence in our success.

I'm giving every ounce of what I have as a human towards Old Money. Taking every lesson I've learned professionally and as a man and putting it into this business of ours. I wake up thinking about how to provide value to Mfers and go to sleep planning our future. All at the immense sacrifice of my loved ones (and my health) but I'm convinced it will be worth it for all of us.

Don't forget, that anticipation heightens pleasure.

Now is when you have the strongest Old Money conviction, just like the wild wild west of the crypto market, when others are fearful, be greedy.

Love always,
